About Faith Aledo

Hi, I'm Matthew Aldas

I'm the pastor at Faith Aledo, and for me that means to me - to listen well and cultivate the garden God is growing here in Aledo. I believe that amazing and beautiful things happen when each of us bring the unique gifts we've been given, so I make a point to invite everyone's best self to co-lead this church together.

When I step back from the busyness of the day-to-day, I believe the whole reason for all in existence is to have a personal, intimate relationship with God. So, I aspire to lead us as a congregation to remember that in every moment - in every interaction.

If you are curious about what it means to be a part of a relational focused church, I'd love to start our relationship and grab a cup of coffee.

Mission & Outreach

“Faith in Action” is more than a saying at Faith Presbyterian. It’s a good description of the church’s focus on ministering to people inside and outside of the church—here in East Parker County and beyond.

To organize our many activities, Faith Presbyterian relies on volunteer teams and worship assistants. If you are looking for a place to get involved, this is a great place to start!

Following is a quick description of just some of the mission and community outreach events our church is involved in.

Center of Hope

As a Church of Hope, Faith Presbyterian contributes a designated percentage of its operating budget each year to the Center of Hope, East Parker County’s church-sponsored social service agency. In addition, our church members help this worthy cause by preparing and serving free community lunches.

Community Support

Faith Presbyterians are very active in making East Parker County a special place for all who make this community their home. We are involved in community life through active involvement and support of many community organizations and events:

ChristmasTyme in Aledo

Faith Presbyterian actively participates in this annual community event.

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